
Welcome to my blog about dot painting!

My name is Patty Donathan. I live in a rural area of Southern California, half way between Los Angeles, and San Diego. My husband and I live with two little dogs that love their stroller when we travel in our RV.
dog stroller
On an RV trip with the dogs in their stroller
Me with Bella and Chica 
I discovered dot painting in Dec of 2017.  I researched the subject for months before I bravely painted my first rock. I've been collecting info on things I've learnt in a notebook that helped me to get better at painting dots. That's what this blog will be about...helping the BEGINNER dot painter. Info I wished I could have found all in one place without having to search the Internet, Facebook Groups, Pinterest, YouTube and websites. I will do a resource page with links to the best ones I found. They are very helpful to continue learning.

dot painted rocks
My first 10 rocks I dotted

dot painting on cardstock
I used heavy cardstock paper to practice

craft show dot art
My 1st craft show with my dot art in 2018